Castle.Windsor by: Castle Project Contributors
  • 40 total downloads
  • Latest version: 2.5.4
  • castle windsor inversionOfControl DependencyInjection
Castle Windsor is best of breed, mature Inversion of Control container available for .NET and Silverlight.
Castle.DynamicProxy by: Castle Project Contributors
  • 31 total downloads
  • Latest version: 2.2.0
Castle DynamicProxy is a library for generating lightweight .NET proxies on the fly at runtime. Proxy objects allow calls to members of an object to be intercepted without modifying the code of the class.
Colorful.Console by: Tom Akita Muhammad Rehan Saeed Matt Furden
  • 43 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.1.2
  • Style Styled Output Colourful Colorful Console Command Line ASCII Art FIGlet
Style your C# console output!
Castle.Core by: Castle Project Contributors
  • 175 total downloads
  • Latest version: 4.4.1
  • castle dynamicproxy dynamic proxy dynamicproxy2 dictionaryadapter emailsender
Castle Core, including DynamicProxy, Logging Abstractions and DictionaryAdapter
CacheManager.Core by: MichaConrad
  • 162 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.2.0
  • Caching Cache CacheManager Distributed Cache StackExchange Redis Azure AppFabric Memcached
CacheManager is an open source caching abstraction layer for .NET written in C#. It supports various cache providers and implements many advanced features. The Core library contains all base interfaces and tools. You should install at least one other CacheManager package to get cache handle implementations.
CommunityToolkit.HighPerformance by: Microsoft.Toolkit
  • 54 total downloads
  • Latest version: 7.1.1-preview3.1
  • Windows Community Toolkit WCT .NET Parallel Performance Unsafe Span Memory String StringPool Array Stream Buffer Extensions Helpers
This package includes high performance .NET Standard helpers such as: - Memory2D<T> and Span2D<T>: two types providing fast and allocation-free abstraction over 2D memory areas. - ArrayPoolBufferWriter<T>: an IBufferWriter<T> implementation using pooled arrays, which also supports IMemoryOwner<T>. - MemoryBufferWriter<T>: an IBufferWriter<T>: implementation that can wrap external Memory<T>: instances. - MemoryOwner<T>: an IMemoryOwner<T> implementation with an embedded length and a fast Span<T> accessor. - SpanOwner<T>: a stack-only type with the ability to rent a buffer of a specified length and getting a Span<T> from it. - StringPool: a configurable pool for string instances that be used to minimize allocations when creating multiple strings from char buffers. - String, array, Memory<T>, Span<T> extensions and more, all focused on high performance. - HashCode<T>: a SIMD-enabled extension of HashCode to quickly process sequences of values. - BitHelper: a class with helper methods to perform bit operations on numeric types. - ParallelHelper: helpers to work with parallel code in a highly optimized manner. - Box<T>: a type mapping boxed value types and exposing some utility and high performance methods. - Ref<T>: a stack-only struct that can store a reference to a value of a specified type. - NullableRef<T>: a stack-only struct similar to Ref<T>, which also supports nullable references.
CommonServiceLocator by: .NET Foundation and Contributors
  • 67 total downloads
  • Latest version: 2.0.7
  • Unity Container unitycontainer Microsoft.Practices.Unity IoC Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation Service Location
The library provides an abstraction over IoC containers and service locators. Using the library allows an application to indirectly access the capabilities without relying on hard references.
Bullseye by: Bullseye
  • 19 total downloads
  • Latest version: 2.3.0-beta.2+build.182
For describing and running targets and their dependencies.
CommunityToolkit.Common by: Microsoft.Toolkit
  • 33 total downloads
  • Latest version: 7.1.2
  • Windows Community Toolkit WCT .NET Incremental Loading Collection IncrementalLoadingCollection String Array Extensions Helpers
This package includes .NET Standard code only helpers such as: - IncrementalLoadingCollection: Simplifies the definition and usage of collections whose items can be loaded incrementally only when needed by the view. - String extensions and array extensions: These extensions make working with string and arrays easier.
CacheManager.Microsoft.Extensions.Logging by: MichaConrad
  • 97 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.2.0
  • Caching Cache CacheManager Distributed Cache StackExchange Redis Azure AppFabric Memcached
CacheManager extension package to work with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging as logging provider. CacheManager is an open source caching abstraction layer for .NET written in C#. The ASP.NET Core logging provides a bridge to the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging framework.
Business.Core by: xlievo
  • 119 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.2.0
  • Business Core Lib
Support Mono .Net Core
Common.Logging.Core by: Aleksandar Seovic Mark Pollack Erich Eichinger Stephen Bohlen
  • 36 total downloads
  • Latest version: 3.4.0
  • PCL Common.Logging.Portable Common.Logging.Core logging log Common.Logging
Common.Logging.Core contains the portable (PCL) implementation of the Common.Logging low-level abstractions common to all other Common.Logging packages.
Castle.Core.AsyncInterceptor by: James Skimming
  • 85 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.7.0
  • async asynchronous-methods castle castle-core dynamic dynamicproxy dynamic-proxy dynamicproxy2 intercept-methods proxy
AsyncInterceptor is an extension to Castle DynamicProxy to simplify the development of interceptors for asynchronous methods.
Common.Logging by: Aleksandar Seovic Mark Pollack Erich Eichinger Stephen Bohlen
  • 24 total downloads
  • Latest version: 3.4.0-RC1
  • logging log Common.Logging
Common.Logging library introduces a simple abstraction to allow you to select a specific logging implementation at runtime.
CommunityToolkit.Mvvm by: Microsoft
  • 20 total downloads
  • Latest version: 8.4.0
  • dotnet Community Toolkit .NET MVVM MVVMToolkit INotifyPropertyChanged Observable IOC DI Dependency Injection Object Messaging Extensions Helpers
This package includes a .NET MVVM library with helpers such as: - ObservableObject: a base class for objects implementing the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. - ObservableRecipient: a base class for observable objects with support for the IMessenger service. - ObservableValidator: a base class for objects implementing the INotifyDataErrorInfo interface. - RelayCommand: a simple delegate command implementing the ICommand interface. - AsyncRelayCommand: a delegate command supporting asynchronous operations and cancellation. - WeakReferenceMessenger: a messaging system to exchange messages through different loosely-coupled objects. - StrongReferenceMessenger: a high-performance messaging system that trades weak references for speed. - Ioc: a helper class to configure dependency injection service containers.
BuildWebCompiler2022 by: Jason Moore
  • 23 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.14.10
  • LESS Sass Scss JSX EcmaScript6 CoffeeScript
Compiles LESS, Sass, JSX and CoffeeScript files
CacheManager.Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration by: MichaConrad
  • 103 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.2.0
  • Caching Cache CacheManager Distributed Cache StackExchange Redis Azure AppFabric Memcached
CacheManager extension package to use Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration to configure the CacheManager instance. CacheManager is an open source caching abstraction layer for .NET written in C#. This is the ASP.NET Core configuration integration package.
C5 by: C5
  • 19 total downloads
  • Latest version: 2.5.3
  • Generics Collections Heap TreeSet PriorityQueue
The C5 Generic Collection Library for C# and CLI is a comprehensive collection library supporting lists, sets, bags, dictionaries, priority queues, (FIFO) queues, and (LIFO) stacks. C5 runs on .NET 3.5+, Silverlight 5, Windows Phone 8, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, and Mono.
Chinese by: zmjack
  • 10 total downloads
  • Latest version: 0.1.1
  • Chinese Pinyin Number
CommandLineParser by: Giacomo Stelluti Scala
  • 87 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.9.6-rc1
  • command line argument option parser parsing library syntax shell
The Command Line Parser Library offers to CLR applications a clean and concise API for manipulating command line arguments and related tasks.