by: The gRPC Authors einari
- 23 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.46.7
Packaged ARM64 - M1 version of native library (.dylib).
by: Microsoft.Toolkit
- 54 total downloads
- Latest version: 7.1.1-preview3.1
This package includes high performance .NET Standard helpers such as:
- Memory2D<T> and Span2D<T>: two types providing fast and allocation-free abstraction over 2D memory areas.
- ArrayPoolBufferWriter<T>: an IBufferWriter<T> implementation using pooled arrays, which also supports IMemoryOwner<T>.
- MemoryBufferWriter<T>: an IBufferWriter<T>: implementation that can wrap external Memory<T>: instances.
- MemoryOwner<T>: an IMemoryOwner<T> implementation with an embedded length and a fast Span<T> accessor.
- SpanOwner<T>: a stack-only type with the ability to rent a buffer of a specified length and getting a Span<T> from it.
- StringPool: a configurable pool for string instances that be used to minimize allocations when creating multiple strings from char buffers.
- String, array, Memory<T>, Span<T> extensions and more, all focused on high performance.
- HashCode<T>: a SIMD-enabled extension of HashCode to quickly process sequences of values.
- BitHelper: a class with helper methods to perform bit operations on numeric types.
- ParallelHelper: helpers to work with parallel code in a highly optimized manner.
- Box<T>: a type mapping boxed value types and exposing some utility and high performance methods.
- Ref<T>: a stack-only struct that can store a reference to a value of a specified type.
- NullableRef<T>: a stack-only struct similar to Ref<T>, which also supports nullable references.
by: Cameron MacFarland Simon Cropp
- 134 total downloads
- Latest version: 3.3.2
Configure async code's ConfigureAwait at a global level.
by: .NET Foundation and Contributors
- 67 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.0.7
The library provides an abstraction over IoC containers and service locators. Using the library allows an application to indirectly access the capabilities without relying on hard references.
by: Daniel Schroeder iQmetrix
- 262 total downloads
- Latest version: 1.8.16
Automatically creates a NuGet package from your project each time it builds. The NuGet package is placed in the project's output directory.
If you want to use a .nuspec file, place it in the same directory as the project's project file (e.g. .csproj, .vbproj, .fsproj).
This adds a PostBuildScripts folder to your project to house the PowerShell script that is called from the project's Post-Build event to create the NuGet package.
If it does not seem to be working, check the Visual Studio Output window for any errors that may have occurred.
by: Andrey Dorokhov Sergey Odinokov
- 114 total downloads
- Latest version: 0.8.4
A fully-featured .NET library for parsing cron expressions and calculating next occurrences that was designed with time zones in mind and correctly handles daylight saving time transitions.
by: force
- 11.777k total downloads
- Latest version: 1.2.0
Fast version of Crc32 & Crc32C algorithms for .NET and .NET Core. It is up to 3x-5x times better than other "fast" implemenations. Code based on Crc32C.NET library.
by: Microsoft.Toolkit
- 33 total downloads
- Latest version: 7.1.2
This package includes .NET Standard code only helpers such as:
- IncrementalLoadingCollection: Simplifies the definition and usage of collections whose items can be loaded incrementally only when needed by the view.
- String extensions and array extensions: These extensions make working with string and arrays easier.
by: Steve Gordon
- 66 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.1.0
ASP.NET Core correlation ID middleware which synchronises the TraceIdentifier with a correlation ID header.
by: Aleksandar Seovic Mark Pollack Erich Eichinger Stephen Bohlen
- 36 total downloads
- Latest version: 3.4.0
Common.Logging.Core contains the portable (PCL) implementation of the Common.Logging low-level abstractions common to all other Common.Logging packages.
by: Aleksandar Seovic Mark Pollack Erich Eichinger Stephen Bohlen
- 24 total downloads
- Latest version: 3.4.0-RC1
Common.Logging library introduces a simple abstraction to allow you to select a specific logging implementation at runtime.
by: Microsoft
- 20 total downloads
- Latest version: 8.4.0
This package includes a .NET MVVM library with helpers such as:
- ObservableObject: a base class for objects implementing the INotifyPropertyChanged interface.
- ObservableRecipient: a base class for observable objects with support for the IMessenger service.
- ObservableValidator: a base class for objects implementing the INotifyDataErrorInfo interface.
- RelayCommand: a simple delegate command implementing the ICommand interface.
- AsyncRelayCommand: a delegate command supporting asynchronous operations and cancellation.
- WeakReferenceMessenger: a messaging system to exchange messages through different loosely-coupled objects.
- StrongReferenceMessenger: a high-performance messaging system that trades weak references for speed.
- Ioc: a helper class to configure dependency injection service containers.
by: Jiří Činčura
- 106 total downloads
- Latest version:
Checks for `ConfigureAwait(false)` usage.
More info:
by: Brady Holt
- 424 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.36.0
A library that converts cron expressions into human readable descriptions. Supports multiple languages including: English, Brazillian, Spanish, Norwgian, Turkish, Dutch, Chinese Simplified, Russian, French, German, Ukrainian, Persian (Farsi), Polish, Romanian Italian, Swedish, Slovenian, Danish, Finnish and Japanese.
by: tonerdo
- 659 total downloads
- Latest version: 6.0.0
Coverlet is a cross platform code coverage library for .NET, with support for line, branch and method coverage.
by: CoreCompat.System.Drawing
- 11 total downloads
- Latest version: 1.0.0-beta006
by: Bar Arnon
- 90 total downloads
- Latest version: 1.1.0
A thread-safe hash-based set
by: tonerdo
- 94 total downloads
- Latest version: 6.0.2
Coverlet is a cross platform code coverage library for .NET, with support for line, branch and method coverage.
by: Confluent Inc. Andreas Heider
- 126 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.5.3
Confluent's .NET Client for Apache Kafka