by: Kévin Chalet
- 131 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.0.0
OpenID Connect server middleware for ASP.NET Core.
by: Autofac Contributors
- 72 total downloads
- Latest version: 6.1.0
ASP.NET MVC 5 integration for Autofac.
by: Aspose
- 348 total downloads
- Latest version: 18.1.0
Aspose.Pdf for .NET is a PDF document creation and manipulation component that enables your .NET applications to read, write and manipulate existing PDF documents without using Adobe Acrobat. It also allows you to create forms and manage form fields embedded in a PDF document. This component is written in managed C# and it allows developers to add PDF creation and manipulation functionality to their Microsoft .NET applications (WinForms, ASP.NET and .NET Compact Framework).
Aspose.Pdf for .NET is affordable and offers an incredible wealth of features including PDF compression options; table creation and manipulation; support for graph objects; extensive hyperlink functionality; extended security controls; custom font handling; integration with data sources; add or remove bookmarks; create table of contents; add, update, delete attachments and annotations; import or export PDF form data; add, replace or remove text and images; split, concatenate, extract or inset pages; transform pages to image; print PDF documents and much more.
by: Aspose
- 377 total downloads
- Latest version: 24.11.0
Aspose.PDF for .NET is a PDF document creation and manipulation component that enables your .NET applications to read, write and manipulate existing PDF documents without using Adobe Acrobat. It also allows you to create forms and manage form fields embedded in a PDF document. This component is written in managed C# and it allows developers to add PDF creation and manipulation functionality to their Microsoft .NET applications (WinForms, ASP.NET and .NET Compact Framework).
Aspose.PDF for .NET is affordable and offers an incredible wealth of features including PDF compression options; table creation and manipulation; support for graph objects; extensive hyperlink functionality; extended security controls; custom font handling; integration with data sources; add or remove bookmarks; create table of contents; add, update, delete attachments and annotations; import or export PDF form data; add, replace or remove text and images; split, concatenate, extract or insert pages; transform pages to image; print PDF documents and much more.
by: Autofac Contributors
- 14.728k total downloads
- Latest version: 7.1.0
Autofac extension for enabling AOP in conjunction with Castle.
by: Autofac Contributors
- 85 total downloads
- Latest version: 7.0.0
Configuration support for Autofac.
by: Sam Harwell et. al.
- 27 total downloads
- Latest version: 1.0.0-alpha003
A collection of analyzers related to best practices for writing asynchronous code.
by: Mark Cilia Vincenti
- 405 total downloads
- Latest version: 7.1.4
An asynchronous .NET Standard 2.0 library that allows you to lock based on a key (keyed semaphores), limiting concurrent threads sharing the same key to a specified number, with optional pooling for reducing memory allocations.
by: Daniel Grunwald Omer Mor Alex Davies jnm2
- 35 total downloads
- Latest version: 0.3.1
C# 5 async/await support for .NET Framework pre-4.5
This package is now unified to include all functionality from AsyncBridge.Net35 and AsyncBridge.Portable.
by: Kévin Chalet
- 191 total downloads
- Latest version: 9.0.0
ASP.NET Core authentication middleware for Steam.
by: .NET Foundation and Contributors
- 152 total downloads
- Latest version: 8.1.0
The API Explorer extensions for ASP.NET Core API Versioning.
by: .NET Foundation and Contributors
- 141 total downloads
- Latest version: 8.1.0
A service API versioning library for Microsoft ASP.NET Core MVC.
by: .NET Foundation and Contributors
- 177 total downloads
- Latest version: 8.1.0
A service API versioning library for Microsoft ASP.NET Core.
by: Autofac Contributors
- 14.9k total downloads
- Latest version: 8.2.0
Autofac is an IoC container for Microsoft .NET. It manages the dependencies between classes so that applications stay easy to change as they grow in size and complexity.
by: Mark Seemann AutoFixture
- 415 total downloads
- Latest version: 5.0.0-preview0011
By leveraging the data theory feature of, this extension turns AutoFixture into a declarative framework for writing unit tests. In many ways it becomes a unit testing DSL (Domain Specific Language).
by: .NET Foundation and Contributors
- 128 total downloads
- Latest version: 8.1.0
The abstractions library for API versioning.
by: Kévin Chalet
- 96 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.0.0
OpenID Connect primitives for the OpenID Connect server middleware.
by: Aspose
- 747 total downloads
- Latest version: 24.11.0
A powerful and fast library written in C# for manipulating and converting Excel(XLS, XLSX,XLSB), ODS, CSV,JSON and HTML files.
by: sergiis dasync
- 168 total downloads
- Latest version: 4.0.2
Introduces IAsyncEnumerable, IAsyncEnumerator, ForEachAsync(), and ParallelForEachAsync()
Helps to (a) create an element provider, where producing an element can take a lot of time
due to dependency on other asynchronous events (e.g. wait handles, network streams), and
(b) a consumer that processes those element as soon as they are ready without blocking
the thread (the processing is scheduled on a worker thread instead).
using Dasync.Collections;
static IAsyncEnumerable<int> ProduceAsyncNumbers(int start, int end)
return new AsyncEnumerable<int>(async yield => {
// Just to show that ReturnAsync can be used multiple times
await yield.ReturnAsync(start);
for (int number = start + 1; number <= end; number++)
await yield.ReturnAsync(number);
// You can break the enumeration loop with the following call:
// This won't be executed due to the loop break above
await yield.ReturnAsync(12345);
// Just to compare with synchronous version of enumerator
static IEnumerable<int> ProduceNumbers(int start, int end)
yield return start;
for (int number = start + 1; number <= end; number++)
yield return number;
yield break;
yield return 12345;
static async Task ConsumeNumbersAsync()
var asyncEnumerableCollection = ProduceAsyncNumbers(start: 1, end: 10);
await asyncEnumerableCollection.ForEachAsync(async number => {
await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"{number}");
// Just to compare with synchronous version of enumeration
static void ConsumeNumbers()
var enumerableCollection = ProduceNumbers(start: 1, end: 10);
foreach (var number in enumerableCollection) {
by: Mark Seemann AutoFixture
- 1.222k total downloads
- Latest version: 5.0.0-preview0011
AutoFixture makes it easier for developers to do Test-Driven Development by automating non-relevant Test Fixture Setup, allowing the Test Developer to focus on the essentials of each test case.
by: Autofac Contributors
- 14.804k total downloads
- Latest version: 10.0.0
Autofac implementation of the interfaces in Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions, the .NET Framework dependency injection abstraction.