CommunityToolkit.WinUI.UI.Animations 7.1.1-preview3
This library provides helpers and extensions on top of Windows Composition and XAML storyboards. It is a part of the Windows Community Toolkit.
- CompositionAnimations:
- Animations: AnimationBase, OffsetAnimation, OpacityAnimation, RotationAnimation, RotationInDegreesAnimation, ScalarAnimation, ScaleAnimation, TranslationAnimation, TypedAnimationBase, Vector2Animation, Vector3Animation, Vector4Animation
- CompositionAnimations: ExpressionKeyFrame, KeyFrame, KeyFrameCollection, ScalarKeyFrame, TypedKeyFrame, Vector2KeyFrame, Vector3KeyFrame, Vector4KeyFrame
- ConnectedAnimations: Connected, ConnectedAnimationHelper, ConnectedAnimationListProperty, ConnectedAnimationProperties
- Expressions: ExpressionNodes, ExpressionValues, ReferenceNodes, CompositionExtensions, ExpressionFunctions, OperationType
- AnimationExtensions: Blur, Fade, Light, Offset, Rotate, Saturation, Scale
Showing the top 20 packages that depend on CommunityToolkit.WinUI.UI.Animations.
Packages | Downloads |
This library provides UI behaviors built on the XAML behaviors SDK. It is a part of the Windows Community Toolkit.
- Animation: Various helpers for integration with the Toolkit's Animation package.
- AutoFocusBehevior: Sets focus to the associated control.
- AutoSelectBehavior: Selects a TextBox's text automatically.
- FadeHeaderBehavior, QuickReturnHeaderBehavior, StickyHeaderBehavior: Helpers for ListViewBase Header Behavior
- FocusBehavior: Sets focus to a specified control.
- KeyDownTriggerBehavior: Trigger behaviors when a key is pressed.
- ViewportBehavior: Listening for element to enter or exit the ScrollViewer viewport
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This library provides UI brushes. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit.
- AcrylicBrush: A custom Brush that that implements an acrylic effect with full control over all parameters.
- BackdropBlurBrush: The BackdropBlurBrush is a Brush that blurs whatever is behind it in the application.
- BackdropGammaTransferBrush: A brush which alters the colors of whatever is behind it in the application by applying a per-channel gamma transfer function.
- BackdropInvertBrush: The BackdropInvertBrush is a Brush which inverts whatever is behind it in the application.
- BackdropSaturationBrush: Brush which applies a SaturationEffect to the Backdrop.
- BackdropSepiaBrush: Brush which applies a SepiaEffect to the Backdrop.
- CanvasBrushBase: Helper Brush class to interop with Win2D Canvas calls.
- ImageBlendBrush: A Brush which blends a BitmapImage to the Backdrop in a given mode.
- PipelineBrush: A Brush that renders a customizable Composition/Win2D effects pipeline
- RadialGradientBrush: This GradientBrush defines its Gradient as an interpolation within an Ellipse.
- TilesBrush: A Brush that displays a tiled image, wrapping at the edges and endlessly repeating.
- AcrylicEffect: A custom acrylic effect that can be inserted into a pipeline.
- BackdropEffect: A backdrop effect that can sample from a specified source.
- BlendEffect: A blend effect that merges the current pipeline with an input one.
- BlurEffect: A gaussian blur effect.
- ImageEffect: An effect which displays an image loaded as a Win2D surface.
- ShadeEffect: An effect that overlays a color layer over the current pipeline, with a specified intensity.
- SolidColorEffect: An effect that renders a standard 8bit SDR color on the available surface.
- TileEffect: An effect that loads an image and replicates it to cover all the available surface area.
- ExposureEffect, GrayscaleEffect, HueRotationEffect and more, mapping to Win2D effects.
- SurfaceLoader: A class that can load and draw images and other objects to Win2D surfaces and brushes.
PipelineBuilder: A class that allows to build custom effects pipelines and create CompositionBrush instances from them.
- CanvasPathGeometry: A class that parses Win2d Path Mini Language and converts it to CanvasGeometry, CanvasBrush, CanvasStroke, CanvasStrokeStyle or Color.
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This library provides UI brushes. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit.
- AcrylicBrush: A custom Brush that that implements an acrylic effect with full control over all parameters.
- BackdropBlurBrush: The BackdropBlurBrush is a Brush that blurs whatever is behind it in the application.
- BackdropGammaTransferBrush: A brush which alters the colors of whatever is behind it in the application by applying a per-channel gamma transfer function.
- BackdropInvertBrush: The BackdropInvertBrush is a Brush which inverts whatever is behind it in the application.
- BackdropSaturationBrush: Brush which applies a SaturationEffect to the Backdrop.
- BackdropSepiaBrush: Brush which applies a SepiaEffect to the Backdrop.
- CanvasBrushBase: Helper Brush class to interop with Win2D Canvas calls.
- ImageBlendBrush: A Brush which blends a BitmapImage to the Backdrop in a given mode.
- PipelineBrush: A Brush that renders a customizable Composition/Win2D effects pipeline
- RadialGradientBrush: This GradientBrush defines its Gradient as an interpolation within an Ellipse.
- TilesBrush: A Brush that displays a tiled image, wrapping at the edges and endlessly repeating.
- AcrylicEffect: A custom acrylic effect that can be inserted into a pipeline.
- BackdropEffect: A backdrop effect that can sample from a specified source.
- BlendEffect: A blend effect that merges the current pipeline with an input one.
- BlurEffect: A gaussian blur effect.
- ImageEffect: An effect which displays an image loaded as a Win2D surface.
- ShadeEffect: An effect that overlays a color layer over the current pipeline, with a specified intensity.
- SolidColorEffect: An effect that renders a standard 8bit SDR color on the available surface.
- TileEffect: An effect that loads an image and replicates it to cover all the available surface area.
- ExposureEffect, GrayscaleEffect, HueRotationEffect and more, mapping to Win2D effects.
- SurfaceLoader: A class that can load and draw images and other objects to Win2D surfaces and brushes.
PipelineBuilder: A class that allows to build custom effects pipelines and create CompositionBrush instances from them.
- CanvasPathGeometry: A class that parses Win2d Path Mini Language and converts it to CanvasGeometry, CanvasBrush, CanvasStroke, CanvasStrokeStyle or Color.
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This library provides UI brushes. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit.
- AcrylicBrush: A custom Brush that that implements an acrylic effect with full control over all parameters.
- BackdropBlurBrush: The BackdropBlurBrush is a Brush that blurs whatever is behind it in the application.
- BackdropGammaTransferBrush: A brush which alters the colors of whatever is behind it in the application by applying a per-channel gamma transfer function.
- BackdropInvertBrush: The BackdropInvertBrush is a Brush which inverts whatever is behind it in the application.
- BackdropSaturationBrush: Brush which applies a SaturationEffect to the Backdrop.
- BackdropSepiaBrush: Brush which applies a SepiaEffect to the Backdrop.
- CanvasBrushBase: Helper Brush class to interop with Win2D Canvas calls.
- ImageBlendBrush: A Brush which blends a BitmapImage to the Backdrop in a given mode.
- PipelineBrush: A Brush that renders a customizable Composition/Win2D effects pipeline
- RadialGradientBrush: This GradientBrush defines its Gradient as an interpolation within an Ellipse.
- TilesBrush: A Brush that displays a tiled image, wrapping at the edges and endlessly repeating.
- AcrylicEffect: A custom acrylic effect that can be inserted into a pipeline.
- BackdropEffect: A backdrop effect that can sample from a specified source.
- BlendEffect: A blend effect that merges the current pipeline with an input one.
- BlurEffect: A gaussian blur effect.
- ImageEffect: An effect which displays an image loaded as a Win2D surface.
- ShadeEffect: An effect that overlays a color layer over the current pipeline, with a specified intensity.
- SolidColorEffect: An effect that renders a standard 8bit SDR color on the available surface.
- TileEffect: An effect that loads an image and replicates it to cover all the available surface area.
- ExposureEffect, GrayscaleEffect, HueRotationEffect and more, mapping to Win2D effects.
- SurfaceLoader: A class that can load and draw images and other objects to Win2D surfaces and brushes.
PipelineBuilder: A class that allows to build custom effects pipelines and create CompositionBrush instances from them.
- CanvasPathGeometry: A class that parses Win2d Path Mini Language and converts it to CanvasGeometry, CanvasBrush, CanvasStroke, CanvasStrokeStyle or Color.
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This library provides UI effects which rely on Win2D. It is a part of the Windows Community Toolkit.
AttachedCardShadow: Provides an easy-to-use, simple, and performant rounded-rectangle shadow effect.
- AcrylicEffect: A custom acrylic effect that can be inserted into a pipeline.
- BackdropEffect: A backdrop effect that can sample from a specified source.
- BlendEffect: A blend effect that merges the current pipeline with an input one.
- BlurEffect: A gaussian blur effect.
- ImageEffect: An effect which displays an image loaded as a Win2D surface.
- ShadeEffect: An effect that overlays a color layer over the current pipeline, with a specified intensity.
- SolidColorEffect: An effect that renders a standard 8bit SDR color on the available surface.
- TileEffect: An effect that loads an image and replicates it to cover all the available surface area.
- ExposureEffect, GrayscaleEffect, HueRotationEffect and more, mapping to Win2D effects.
- CanvasPathGeometry: A class that parses Win2d Path Mini Language and converts it to CanvasGeometry, CanvasBrush, CanvasStroke, CanvasStrokeStyle or Color.
- SurfaceLoader: A class that can load and draw images and other objects to Win2D surfaces and brushes.
- AcrylicBrush: A custom Brush that that implements an acrylic effect with full control over all parameters.
- BackdropBlurBrush: The BackdropBlurBrush is a Brush that blurs whatever is behind it in the application.
- BackdropGammaTransferBrush: A brush which alters the colors of whatever is behind it in the application by applying a per-channel gamma transfer function.
- BackdropInvertBrush: The BackdropInvertBrush is a Brush which inverts whatever is behind it in the application.
- BackdropSaturationBrush: Brush which applies a SaturationEffect to the Backdrop.
- BackdropSepiaBrush: Brush which applies a SepiaEffect to the Backdrop.
- CanvasBrushBase: Helper Brush class to interop with Win2D Canvas calls.
- ImageBlendBrush: A Brush which blends a BitmapImage to the Backdrop in a given mode.
- PipelineBrush: A Brush that renders a customizable Composition/Win2D effects pipeline
- RadialGradientBrush: This GradientBrush defines its Gradient as an interpolation within an Ellipse.
- TilesBrush: A Brush that displays a tiled image, wrapping at the edges and endlessly repeating.
PipelineBuilder: A class that allows to build custom effects pipelines and create CompositionBrush instances from them.
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This library provides UI effects which rely on Win2D. It is a part of the Windows Community Toolkit.
AttachedCardShadow: Provides an easy-to-use, simple, and performant rounded-rectangle shadow effect.
- AcrylicEffect: A custom acrylic effect that can be inserted into a pipeline.
- BackdropEffect: A backdrop effect that can sample from a specified source.
- BlendEffect: A blend effect that merges the current pipeline with an input one.
- BlurEffect: A gaussian blur effect.
- ImageEffect: An effect which displays an image loaded as a Win2D surface.
- ShadeEffect: An effect that overlays a color layer over the current pipeline, with a specified intensity.
- SolidColorEffect: An effect that renders a standard 8bit SDR color on the available surface.
- TileEffect: An effect that loads an image and replicates it to cover all the available surface area.
- ExposureEffect, GrayscaleEffect, HueRotationEffect and more, mapping to Win2D effects.
- CanvasPathGeometry: A class that parses Win2d Path Mini Language and converts it to CanvasGeometry, CanvasBrush, CanvasStroke, CanvasStrokeStyle or Color.
- SurfaceLoader: A class that can load and draw images and other objects to Win2D surfaces and brushes.
- AcrylicBrush: A custom Brush that that implements an acrylic effect with full control over all parameters.
- BackdropBlurBrush: The BackdropBlurBrush is a Brush that blurs whatever is behind it in the application.
- BackdropGammaTransferBrush: A brush which alters the colors of whatever is behind it in the application by applying a per-channel gamma transfer function.
- BackdropInvertBrush: The BackdropInvertBrush is a Brush which inverts whatever is behind it in the application.
- BackdropSaturationBrush: Brush which applies a SaturationEffect to the Backdrop.
- BackdropSepiaBrush: Brush which applies a SepiaEffect to the Backdrop.
- CanvasBrushBase: Helper Brush class to interop with Win2D Canvas calls.
- ImageBlendBrush: A Brush which blends a BitmapImage to the Backdrop in a given mode.
- PipelineBrush: A Brush that renders a customizable Composition/Win2D effects pipeline
- RadialGradientBrush: This GradientBrush defines its Gradient as an interpolation within an Ellipse.
- TilesBrush: A Brush that displays a tiled image, wrapping at the edges and endlessly repeating.
PipelineBuilder: A class that allows to build custom effects pipelines and create CompositionBrush instances from them.
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This library provides UI effects which rely on Win2D. It is a part of the Windows Community Toolkit.
AttachedCardShadow: Provides an easy-to-use, simple, and performant rounded-rectangle shadow effect.
- AcrylicEffect: A custom acrylic effect that can be inserted into a pipeline.
- BackdropEffect: A backdrop effect that can sample from a specified source.
- BlendEffect: A blend effect that merges the current pipeline with an input one.
- BlurEffect: A gaussian blur effect.
- ImageEffect: An effect which displays an image loaded as a Win2D surface.
- ShadeEffect: An effect that overlays a color layer over the current pipeline, with a specified intensity.
- SolidColorEffect: An effect that renders a standard 8bit SDR color on the available surface.
- TileEffect: An effect that loads an image and replicates it to cover all the available surface area.
- ExposureEffect, GrayscaleEffect, HueRotationEffect and more, mapping to Win2D effects.
- CanvasPathGeometry: A class that parses Win2d Path Mini Language and converts it to CanvasGeometry, CanvasBrush, CanvasStroke, CanvasStrokeStyle or Color.
- SurfaceLoader: A class that can load and draw images and other objects to Win2D surfaces and brushes.
- AcrylicBrush: A custom Brush that that implements an acrylic effect with full control over all parameters.
- BackdropBlurBrush: The BackdropBlurBrush is a Brush that blurs whatever is behind it in the application.
- BackdropGammaTransferBrush: A brush which alters the colors of whatever is behind it in the application by applying a per-channel gamma transfer function.
- BackdropInvertBrush: The BackdropInvertBrush is a Brush which inverts whatever is behind it in the application.
- BackdropSaturationBrush: Brush which applies a SaturationEffect to the Backdrop.
- BackdropSepiaBrush: Brush which applies a SepiaEffect to the Backdrop.
- CanvasBrushBase: Helper Brush class to interop with Win2D Canvas calls.
- ImageBlendBrush: A Brush which blends a BitmapImage to the Backdrop in a given mode.
- PipelineBrush: A Brush that renders a customizable Composition/Win2D effects pipeline
- RadialGradientBrush: This GradientBrush defines its Gradient as an interpolation within an Ellipse.
- TilesBrush: A Brush that displays a tiled image, wrapping at the edges and endlessly repeating.
PipelineBuilder: A class that allows to build custom effects pipelines and create CompositionBrush instances from them.
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.NET 5.0
- CommunityToolkit.WinUI.UI (>= 7.1.1-preview3)
- Microsoft.WindowsAppSDK (>= 1.0.0-preview3)
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
7.1.2 | 17 | 08/26/2022 |
7.1.1-preview3.1 | 12 | 05/29/2024 |
7.1.1-preview3 | 16 | 05/29/2024 |
7.0.3 | 14 | 05/29/2024 |
7.0.2 | 14 | 05/29/2024 |
7.0.1 | 11 | 05/29/2024 |