DapperExtensions 1.6.2

A small library that complements Dapper by adding basic CRUD operations (Get, Insert, Update, Delete) for your POCOs. For more advanced querying scenarios, Dapper Extensions provides a predicate system.

No packages depend on DapperExtensions.

1.6.2 * Exposed Ignore keys on update in usages of Implementor 1.6.1 * Added Oracle Dialect to 4.5 1.6.0 * Added DB2 Dialect * Added flag to ignore All Key fields when doing an update * Added missing async/await methods * Added unmap method to Mapper

Any 0.0

Version Downloads Last updated
1.7.0 11 05/02/2024
1.6.3 12 05/10/2022
1.6.2 4 05/27/2024
1.6.1 3 05/27/2024
1.6.0 5 05/16/2024
1.5.0 4 05/20/2024
1.4.4 2 05/27/2024
1.4.3 4 05/27/2024
1.4.2 2 05/27/2024
1.4.1 6 05/16/2024
1.4.0 1 05/27/2024
1.3.2 2 05/27/2024
1.3.1 3 05/27/2024
1.3.0 5 05/27/2024
1.3.0-a 1 05/27/2024