Hangfire.Core 1.6.12

Core components for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).

Showing the top 20 packages that depend on Hangfire.Core.

Packages Downloads
An easy and reliable way to perform fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring long-running, short-running, CPU or I/O intensive tasks inside ASP.NET application. No Windows Service / Task Scheduler required. Even ASP.NET is not required. Backed by Redis, SQL Server, SQL Azure or MSMQ. This is a .NET alternative to Sidekiq, Resque and Celery. http://hangfire.io/
An easy and reliable way to perform fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring, long-running, short-running, CPU or I/O intensive tasks inside ASP.NET applications. No Windows Service / Task Scheduler required. Even ASP.NET is not required. Backed by Redis, SQL Server, SQL Azure or MSMQ. This is a .NET alternative to Sidekiq, Resque and Celery. https://www.hangfire.io/
Incredibly easy and reliable way to perform fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring long-running, short-running, CPU or I/O intensive tasks inside ASP.NET application. No Windows Service / Task Scheduler required. Even ASP.NET is not required. Backed by Redis, SQL Server, SQL Azure or MSMQ. http://hangfire.io/
ASP.NET Core support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
Job console for Hangfire
Job console for Hangfire
Hangfire MySql Storage
Hangfire MySql Storage
Hangfire MySql Storage
Hangfire MySql Storage
.NET Core's Worker Service host support for Hangfire, a background job framework for .NET applications.
.NET Core's Worker Service host support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
.NET Core's Worker Service host support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
.NET Core's Worker Service host support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
SQL Server 2008+ (including Express), SQL Server LocalDB and SQL Azure storage support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
SQL Server 2008+ (including Express), SQL Server LocalDB and SQL Azure storage support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).

http://hangfire.io/blog/ 1.6.12 • Fixed – Buggy state filters may cause background job to be infinitely retried. • Fixed – Transient exception during Processing-Succeeded state transition may cause unexpected retry. 1.6.11 • Fixed – `NullReferenceException` in dashboard when OWIN's or ASP.NET Core's `User` is `null`. • Fixed – Regression related to missing CSS and JS resources in dashboard appeared in 1.6.10. 1.6.10 • Fixed – Duplicate job continuations aren't added anymore, when outer transaction has failed. • Fixed – Existing duplicate continuations don't lead to `ArgumentException`: the same key already added. • Fixed – Replace inline script, because it may violate the Content Security Policy (by @Beczka). • Fixed – Don't skip records in RecurringJobsPage (by @reaction1989). 1.6.8 • Fixed – `Cron.MonthInterval` now returns correct CRON expression. • Fixed – Throw `NotSupportedException` early, when arguments contain delegate or expression. • Fixed – Connection and distributed lock kept longer than necessary in `RecurringJobScheduler`. • Fixed – Use local date/times everywhere in Dashboard UI. • Fixed – Call chart update only when it exists in Dashboard UI to prevent JavaScript errors. • Fixed – Scheduled column title is now displaying correctly in Dashboard UI. • Fixed – Typo "Nexts jobs" should be "Next jobs" in Dashboard UI (by @danielabbatt). 1.6.7 • Fixed – ArgumentException when using complex arguments in generic methods like "IList<T>" (by @aidmsu). • Fixed – Generic arrays like "T[]" aren't supported in background job arguments (by @aidmsu). • Fixed – Wrong choice of the overload when multiple methods match the given arguments (by @aidmsu). • Fixed – Null values for arguments when there are errors during the JSON deserialization. • Fixed – Window resize cause errors and uncontrolled growth of event and poll listeners (by @Yarmonov). • Fixed – HtmlHelper.ToHumanDuration incorrectly formats fractional seconds (by @pieceofsummer). • Fixed – Exception in Dashboard UI when CRON expression is null by an accident (by @aidmsu). • Fixed – Error in Dashboard UI when rendering an array that contains a null element (by @djfoz). • Fixed – Inconsistent constructors' accessibility for different context classes (by @pieceofsummer). • Fixed – Decrease the max default workers count to "20" in tests (by patrykpiotrmarek). • Fixed – Inconsistent EOL characters in some files of a project (by @aidmsu). • Fixed – Make Queue name accessible from RecurringJobDto (by @swordfish6975). 1.6.6 • Fixed – Hangfire.Core, Hangfire.SqlServer and Hangfire.SqlServer.Msmq marked as CLS-compliant. • Fixed – Generic methods cause ArgumentNullException when scoped variable is used in expression. 1.6.5 • Added – Chinese language to Dashboard UI (by @andy-zhouyou). • Changed – Default upper limit of worker number is 20. • Changed – Default value for DashboardJobListLimit is now 10000. • Fixed – Deserialization exception in continuations, when TypeNameHandling.All option is used (by @MaksimSimkin). • Fixed – I18N is not working, because there are no localized resources in NuGet packages. • Fixed – Infinite redirect loops, when authenticated, but not authorized user accesses Dashboard UI. • Fixed – "The type ... exists in both..." issue when building Hangfire, related to Newtonsoft.Json. • Fixed – Use the given type's method, when scope variable is passed to a job expression. • Fixed – Very rare resource leaks detected by Coverity Scan. 1.6.3 • Fixed – Add missing `RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate` method overloads to prevent CS4014 warnings. • Fixed – `ToGenericTypeString` method now handles types with no namespace correctly. 1.6.2 • Changed – Recurring job page displays now raw cron strings, descriptions are in tooltips. • Fixed – Return non-highlighted stack trace, when parsing takes too long, instead of throwing an exception. • Fixed – Dashboard UI works correctly again, when IE 11 is in the Compatibility Mode. • Fixed – Long method names now don't push tables out of the boundaries now. 1.6.1 • Added – Automatic unit tests execution for .NET Core on Windows, Linux and OS X using AppVeyor and Travis CI. • Fixed – `DateTime` deserialization issues on .NET Core platform. • Fixed – Fixed UI command behaviour, buttons can only be pressed once per command (by @mahoneyj2). • Fixed – `TypeInitializationException` when using Serilog appeared in version 1.6.0. • Fixed – Cron format strings for intervals are specified correctly now (by @stevetsang). • Fixed – `NullReference` on Job Details page when background job has null value for `IEnumerable` argument. • Fixed – Don't skip symbols when publishing NuGet packages. • Fixed – Use GUID identifier when can't determine the host name. 1.6.0 • Added – .NET Core support for Hangfire.Core and Hangfire.SqlServer packages (`netstandard1.3` target). • Added – Ability to create jobs based on async methods, they are awaited by a worker (by @tuespetre). • Added – Access to background job context from the `JobActivator.BeginScope` method. • Added – Add LatencyTimeoutAttribute To delete jobs if timeout is exceeded (by @Excommunicated). • Added – Ability to change statistics polling interval in dashboard (by @tristal). • Added – Non-blocking `BackgroundJobServer.SendStop` method, that requests for a shutdown. • Added – `BackgroundJobServerOptions.ServerName` option is back. • Added – `IDashboardAuthorizationFilter` interface that makes `IAuthorizationFilter` obsolete. • Added – Show background job continuations on Job Details page. • Added – Multilanguage support in Dashboard via resource files (by @Elph). • Added – Spanish localization for the Dashboard UI (by @Elph). • Added – Enable backtracking from background job to recurrent job (by @teodimache). • Added – Cron expressions for regular intervals for the `Cron` class (by @geirsagberg). • Added – `IRecurringJobManager` interface for the `RecurringJobManager` class (by @arnoldasgudas). • Added – Abstractions for Dashboard UI to decouple it from OWIN. • Changed – Make the realtime/history graph to use localized dates on hover (by @Elph). • Changed – Make graph tooltip also localized using data-attributes (by @Elph). • Changed – Dashboard metric's title now contains the ResourceKey instead the title (by @Elph). • Changed – Job Details page was redesigned to be more clean with less colors. • Changed – Update jQuery to 2.1.4 and rickshaw.js to 1.5.1. • Changed – Update NCrontab to 3.1.0. • Changed – Update CronExpressionDescriptor to 1.17. • Fixed – `ToGenericTypeString` method now supports nested classes (by @patrykpiotrmarek). • Fixed – Dashboard Errors in Chrome and IE - Cannot read property 'removeChild' of null. • Fixed – /hangfire/js outputs (unintended) UTF-8 BOM.

.NET Framework 4.5

.NET Standard 1.3

Version Downloads Last updated
1.8.12 5 05/28/2024
1.8.11 2 05/28/2024
1.8.10 2 05/29/2024
1.8.9 6 05/28/2024
1.8.7 2 05/28/2024
1.8.6 1 05/28/2024
1.8.5 4 05/28/2024
1.8.4 4 05/28/2024
1.8.3 4 07/12/2023
1.8.2 5 06/17/2023
1.8.1 4 05/28/2024
1.8.0 3 05/28/2024
1.8.0-beta4 5 04/27/2022
1.7.37 3 05/28/2024
1.7.34 2 05/28/2024
1.7.33 3 05/28/2024
1.7.32 2 05/28/2024
1.7.31 2 05/28/2024
1.7.30 1 05/28/2024
1.7.29 4 05/28/2024
1.7.26 5 05/28/2024
1.7.25 6 05/28/2024
1.7.24 2 05/28/2024
1.7.23 2 05/28/2024
1.7.22 3 05/28/2024
1.7.21 4 05/28/2024
1.7.20 2 05/28/2024
1.7.19 2 05/28/2024
1.7.18 2 05/28/2024
1.7.17 2 05/28/2024
1.7.16 5 05/28/2024
1.7.15 2 05/28/2024
1.7.14 4 05/28/2024
1.7.13 2 05/28/2024
1.7.12 7 04/10/2023
1.7.9 3 05/28/2024
1.7.7 5 05/28/2024
1.7.6 4 05/28/2024
1.7.5 3 05/28/2024
1.7.4 3 05/28/2024
1.7.2 2 05/28/2024
1.7.1 1 05/28/2024
1.7.0 3 05/28/2024
1.6.30 2 05/28/2024
1.6.29 4 05/28/2024
1.6.28 3 05/28/2024
1.6.27 2 05/28/2024
1.6.26 2 05/28/2024
1.6.25 3 05/28/2024
1.6.24 2 05/28/2024
1.6.23 3 05/28/2024
1.6.22 3 05/28/2024
1.6.21 5 05/28/2024
1.6.20 4 05/28/2024
1.6.19 3 05/28/2024
1.6.17 2 05/28/2024
1.6.16 2 05/28/2024
1.6.15 2 05/28/2024
1.6.14 6 05/28/2024
1.6.12 4 05/28/2024
1.6.11 2 05/28/2024
1.6.10 5 05/28/2024
1.6.9 2 05/28/2024
1.6.8 3 05/27/2024
1.6.7 2 05/28/2024
1.6.6 6 05/28/2024
1.6.5 2 05/28/2024
1.6.4 1 05/28/2024
1.6.3 1 05/28/2024
1.6.2 2 05/28/2024
1.6.1 2 05/28/2024
1.6.0 8 04/10/2023
1.5.9 3 05/28/2024
1.5.8 3 05/28/2024
1.5.7 7 05/28/2024
1.5.6 3 05/28/2024
1.5.5 2 05/01/2024
1.5.4 4 05/28/2024
1.5.3 4 04/27/2022
1.5.2 5 04/27/2022
1.5.1 3 05/01/2024
1.5.0 2 05/28/2024
1.4.7 5 05/28/2024
1.4.6 4 05/28/2024
1.4.5 2 05/28/2024
1.4.4 3 04/26/2022
1.4.3 1 05/28/2024
1.4.2 1 05/28/2024
1.4.1 5 05/05/2024
1.3.4 2 05/28/2024
1.3.3 3 05/28/2024
1.3.2 5 04/27/2022
1.3.1 3 05/28/2024
1.3.0 3 05/28/2024
1.2.2 1 05/28/2024
1.2.1 2 05/28/2024
1.2.0 2 05/28/2024
1.1.1 4 05/28/2024
1.1.0 3 05/28/2024
1.0.2 2 05/28/2024
1.0.1 4 05/28/2024
1.0.0 2 05/28/2024
0.9.1 5 05/28/2024
0.9.0 4 05/28/2024
0.8.3 2 05/28/2024
0.8.2 4 05/28/2024
0.8.1 1 05/28/2024
0.8.0 2 05/28/2024
0.7.5 3 05/28/2024
0.7.4 1 05/28/2024
0.7.3 5 05/28/2024
0.7.1 1 05/28/2024
0.7.0 3 05/01/2024
0.6.2 2 05/28/2024
0.6.1 5 05/28/2024
0.5.2 3 05/28/2024
0.5.1 3 05/28/2024
0.5.0 2 05/28/2024