OpenXmlPowerTools 2.7.4

PowerTools for Open XML contains source code and guidance for accomplishing various common tasks using the Open XML SDK, such as: High-fidelity conversion of DOCX to HTML/CSS using HtmlConverter.cs Merging and splitting DOCX documents using DocumentBuilder.cs Merging and splitting PPTX presentations using PresentationBuilder.cs Accepting tracked revisions in DOCX documents using RevisionAccepter.cs Searching and replacing text in DOCX documents using TextReplacer.cs

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Version Downloads Last updated 7 05/27/2022 3 05/29/2024
4.5.3 4 05/09/2024
4.2.0 2 05/09/2024
4.1.3 2 05/16/2024
4.0.0 2 05/28/2024
3.1.9 3 05/28/2024
3.1.7 4 05/28/2024
3.0.0 6 05/28/2024 3 05/19/2024 3 05/29/2024 4 05/09/2024
2.7.4 3 05/09/2024