Twitter.Bootstrap 2.0.0

Bootstrap is a toolkit from Twitter designed to kickstart development of webapps and sites. It includes base CSS and HTML for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, and more. Nerd alert: Bootstrap is built with Less and was designed to work out of the gate with modern browsers in mind. I've made some very minor adjustments from the repo release to allow for a more common ASP.Net web application directory structure.

No packages depend on Twitter.Bootstrap.

-Docs: major updates across the board to general structure, examples, and code snippets. Also made responsive with new media queries. -Docs: all docs pages are now powered by Mustache templates and strings are wrapped in i18n tags for translation by the Twitter Translation Center. All changes to documentation must be done here and then compiled (similar to our CSS and LESS). -Repo directory structure: removed the compiled CSS from the root in favor of a large direct download link on the docs homepage. Compiled CSS is in /docs/assets/css/. -Docs and repo: one makefile, just type make in the Terminal and get updated docs and CSS. - Upgrading from 1.4

This package has no dependencies.

Version Downloads Last updated 16 06/07/2023
3.0.1 9 06/02/2024
3.0.0 9 06/02/2024
3.0.0-rc2 12 05/22/2024
3.0.0-rc1y 9 06/02/2024
3.0.0-rc1x 10 05/22/2024
2.3.2 10 06/02/2024
2.3.1 16 06/02/2024
2.3.0 15 06/02/2024
2.2.2 12 05/22/2024
2.2.1 11 06/02/2024
2.2.0 11 06/02/2024
2.1.1 13 06/02/2024 11 06/02/2024 15 05/22/2024
2.0.3 13 05/22/2024
2.0.2 11 06/02/2024
2.0.1 15 05/22/2024
2.0.0 15 05/22/2024
1.4.0 10 06/02/2024
1.3.0 13 06/02/2024
1.2.0 15 06/02/2024
1.1.1 8 06/02/2024
1.1.0 12 06/02/2024